The Enterprise

The Official Student Publication of the School of Business and Accountancy
September 16, 2020

JO: From Humble Beginnings to a New Horizon

Through the years, Juris Orbis (JO) has been the bastion of unwavering support for many of its loyal members. The organization showed its resilience and proved […]
September 24, 2021

Paralympians: Underrated Champions

  The Olympics is a place Filipinos could hear the cheers of their fellow countrymen on the international stage where the fiery spirit of the nation’s […]
May 24, 2024

LegMa stude leads HAUDC in MAD Law Debate Cup

Excel John Esguerra, a fourth-year BSBA in Legal Management, led the Holy Angel University Debate Congress (HAUDC) to the semi-finals and secured a fourth-place finish, attaining […]