The Enterprise

The Official Student Publication of the School of Business and Accountancy


May 26, 2024

See you, J

Since I was little, small things have made me giggle. The passageways of time, your iconic wiggle never fades, as its figments are engraved in the […]
May 26, 2024

Uncharted Lovescapes: Confession of a People Watcher

“Someday, I’ll be falling without caution. But for now, I’m only people watching” – Conan Gray. Throughout my teenage years, I’ve read maybe a hundred novels, […]
May 26, 2024

Looking For…

I have always known what I’ve been looking for.  When I was a kid, I was sure of the toys I wanted, the playmates I wanted […]
May 26, 2024

The Evolution: Do BPO, AI, and FinTech Take Over The Accounting Industry?

In an era of digital innovation, Business Process Outsourcing (BPO), Artificial Intelligence (AI), and Financial Technology (FinTech) are taking center stage, causing a fundamental transition in […]
February 15, 2024

Fighting for passion

Passion drives us and helps us establish who we are. It pushes us forward and directs us to be eager for our goals. Often, I question […]

Breeding Ground

May 26, 2024

Flickering Light in a Dark Tunnel

Tunnels are scary yet thrilling. You never know what’s ahead. But as dedication overcomes the pitch-black surroundings of the cave, one may find a tiny flickering […]
February 15, 2024

Her Achilles Heel

She was a great student back then.  That’s the catch. Was. She used to be. All in the past tense. Growing up, she had always thought […]
October 13, 2023

SNS: Student Night Sonder

Every day is a trip, but how exactly does it feel like, as students that go a long way with different thoughts —  bringing themselves back […]
August 28, 2023

Dream: The Only Answer

In times of doubt, I tend to ask myself, “Why did I choose this path – why did I choose to take accountancy?” Reflecting on that […]
November 22, 2022

Chapter I: Balancing

“Na-balance mo ba?” Students at the School of Business and Accountancy regularly stumble upon this phrase on every assignment, quiz, or exam. And naturally, they would […]