The Enterprise

The Official Student Publication of the School of Business and Accountancy
A shield, not a shadow
November 5, 2021
Stained-glass Windows
November 5, 2021

Live, Laugh, Love: The Essentials of Life

“Always remember to LIVE every moment, LAUGH every day, and LOVE beyond words.”


“Live life to the fullest.” This phrase says that we should enjoy our life because we should treat every moment like a treasure that we never wish to lose a piece of. Our life is the most precious treasure here on earth, but the question is, are you content with your life? Live, Laugh, Love—these are the things we must all embody to know that we live our lives to the fullest. 


LIVE. This four-letter word entails four things, namely responsibility, competence, integrity, and respect. As children to our parents, we should know how to help our loved ones, do house chores, and become the pride and joy of the family.  As students, we need to accomplish every assignment and be responsible for all the things we need. As citizens of our country, we are to care for those around us, exercise our right to vote, and most especially, pay taxes. Aside from being responsible in each aspect of our lives, being competent and having both integrity and respect should also be at the forefront of living our best selves. If you want to be respected, respect first the people around you. The manner you show to others will be returned to you for better or for worse. These traits will make a person fulfilled in their lives since, without these things, we will not be able to find our real goals. 


LAUGH. Smile every day. This is the most important thing that you should wear before interacting with people. Remember that when you smile, the world may smile back at you. However, never smile to hide your emotions. Never wear masks just because the world wants you to. Smile when you feel like smiling, laugh when you feel like laughing. 


LOVE. Love no matter who you are. Anyone has the right to love and to be loved. Love is for everyone. Although love can have many limitations like how your crush does not love you back or how your cat only loves you when you feed it, always remember that loving is not all about your partner. It can also be your family, friends, and relatives. Loving those important to you is a special and powerful kind of love—almost as powerful as His love. Another great example of showcasing pure love is to love without limitations. It is the foundation of everything and is the driver for everything a person does in life.


Always remember to LIVE every moment, LAUGH every day, and LOVE beyond words. Enjoy life with the things that you think can help you to improve. LIVING LIFE TO THE FULLEST—this adage is somehow hard to pursue, but everyone should know that spending your time with those you love and imagining that it was your last day here on earth each day is powerful. These three Ls will help us to swim against the different waves of life.



LAYOUT BY: Sigrid Deryll Q. Dy

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