The Enterprise

The Official Student Publication of the School of Business and Accountancy
When Will It Be My Turn?
October 13, 2023
The Luxury We Hardly Reward Ourselves With
October 13, 2023

Hiraya Manawari

“Hiraya Manawari,” a term we commonly read in social media, means “may the wishes of your heart be granted.” A phrase that serves as a source of strength foregrounded that our dreams are within reach. 

The phrase carries a positive and hopeful message – encouraging individuals to pursue what hearts long for and believe in the power of our aspirations. It has an influence that beckons us to continue journeying toward turning our dreams into reality, igniting the flames of hope and determination. 

In a world where challenges are inevitable, “Hiraya Manawari” stands as a beacon of positivity, a reminder that we can make our heart’s desires come true with faith, perseverance, and belief in ourselves.

As I first stepped into college, I anticipated everything would feel foreign. However, I could never have foreseen the “new normal,” where I spent more than half of my college experience behind the glow of a screen. Is this what they describe as “the best time of our lives?” 

Once a journey of physical presence and face-to-face interactions, the college transformed into a challenge that tested me. Balancing the demands of my academics, which had now merged with the responsibilities at home, became a daily marathon. The mental and emotional toll was undeniable. There were days and nights when uncertainty clouded my thoughts, filled with countless “what-ifs” and doubts about my capabilities. 

I stumbled, I faltered, and I was humbled. “Will I reach it?”

But today, as I stand on the cusp of closing this chapter of my life, I am filled with hope and accomplishment. Despite the trials, I am near achieving one of my most cherished dreams — a college degree. This journey has been a testament to the resilience of the human spirit, a reminder that even in the face of adversity, we can persevere and emerge stronger.

Through the challenges and uncertainties, I have discovered the depths of my determination and the unwavering support of those around me. Growth indeed arises from the most challenging circumstances. As I look forward to the next phase of my life, I carry the lessons learned and the strength gained during these times.

Hence, to anyone else who has weathered similar storms, know that dreams are achievable, even when the path is uncertain, and the road is challenging. The journey may be difficult, but the destination is worth every struggle and doubt. We will and are getting in there. Hiraya Manawari!




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